Sunday, 27 July 2014

Llyn Mawr

Took a trip to MWT's Llyn Mawr reserve earlier in the week. A warm, still night and as a result I recorded just over 100 species, which is excellent for an upland site like this.

Most of the site is pretty boggy, with large amounts of bracken but little cover otherwise. At the far end of the lake is a patch of very old woodland: mainly birch, willows and rowan. Trekked a few heath traps down to this part of the site, aiming to catch a few extra species (which they did).

Some of the more interesting records of the night were Anarsia spartiella, Eana osseana, Oblique Carpet, Galium Carpet, Tissue and Confused.

Photos & species list on the link below:
Llyn Mawr (22/07/14)


  1. Another excellent evening at this moorland site.

    I love the way you've changed the age and gender of the Old Lady moth photo in one fell swoop, by calling it the Old Lad (shouldn't it be 'Young Lad' in that case!)


  2. Oops! Completely accidental but somehow seems a pretty fitting name for the moth!

