Monday 27 May 2024

Recording session summary for Pen Y Ffordd, Llangadfan, Saturday 25th May.

With the threat of midges, a wet, post-midnight weather forecast and my failing to notice it being a bank holiday weekend, it was pleasing that I had even just one volunteer attend the recording session - namely Simon Spencer.

Arriving on site around 8pm for a quick look around, It was good to see a number of carpet moths already drifting about. Promising stuff.

Two Skinner's 125w MV and three Skinner's 15w green synergetic traps were set up and switched on by 9.20pm. Simon kindly agreed to attend to identification whilst I was kept very busy with a near constant circulation of the traps (the ensuing threat of rain being my motivation to keep going!). 

Until around midnight it was mainly carpet moths that were caught and then Noctuids appearing just as the first spots of rain began to fall.

Highlights from the night:

A strangely pale Coxcomb Prominent. SS

A not-so-common Light Knot Grass. SS

Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet. PMG

Tawny-barred Angle f. nigrofulvata. PMG

Beautiful Snout. PMG

Also, two, unmistakeable Orange Footman. Alas no photograph was taken.

Switch-off time was 12.30am with intensifying rain.

52 species were recorded in total, five being micro's (Epinotia tedella being the most interesting).

Thanks to Simon Spencer for his help.


1 comment:

  1. It sounds as though you were having a good session, shame about the rain, but well worth having another go there at some time, the site may well contain a good species or two.
