Monday 4 September 2017

Nocturnal pollination study.

Below is an article I came across that I thought may be of interest to mothers et al .

Night time plant pollination by insects seems, by comparison to daytime pollination to have been relatively neglected until of late. It is increasingly now recognised as a significant factor in food crop production.

With the current crisis in Bee populations in particular, there is an urgent need to establish and understand the environmental factors that benefit or adversely affect night flying insects.

The following article also provides a link to the actual published article in the journal Nature.  

Pollination threatened by artificial light - BBC News

Makes me wonder about all those poorly positioned, permanent "security" lights I see at homes and work places, often illuminating far greater areas than necessary.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Phil,

    Many thanks for posting this very informative article on light pollution, I'm sure other users of our site will find it interesting as well.

    As regards the light traps which we all use, I suppose the important thing to remember here is that the data us moth-ers generate does all go towards seeing the bigger picture as to the status of moth species throughout the country - so perhaps the light pollution we create is a small price to pay for the hard data we collect.

