Thursday 29 August 2024

Llyn Coed Y Dinas Bat and Moth event in association with Butterfly Conservation. 24/08/2024

In my experience, a clearing sky is a common feature of Llyn Coed Y Dinas, a Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust nature reserve. Especially when a moth-ing event is planned!

MMG have trapped at this reserve on a number of occasions in the past. After a period of reorganisation for the group, this was the first main event the moth group has staged this year. 

Llyn Coed Y Dinas. ©Eliot Collins Google Maps

Montgomeryshire Bat Group were invited to the event, Simon, Nicola and Kim attending to provide their expertise and knowledge of the various bats identified with the detectors.

The evening was warm enough to begin with but the clear sky was a sure indicator the temperature would sink. 

Traps and the white sheet were set up and switched on by 8.45pm

Early moths potted for id included Acleris emargana, Garden Carpet, Green Carpet and a lovely Centre-barred Sallow, surprisingly the only Sallow for the night, it being the season for their emergence.

Green Carpet. R. stokes

Centre-barred Sallow. R.Stokes.

Followed by a steady trickle as the temperature lowered, including locally common in the county, Pale Eggar and Epinotia nisella 

Pale Eggar. R.Stokes.

Epinotia nisella. P. McGregor

While we were all puzzling over the Epinotia and a possible Pammene populana, (not confirmed) a vague apparition appeared at the fringe of the actinic glow, in the form of a welcome but shock, guest appearance by Gavin Chambers, a former MMG core member.  Really good to see you again Gavin!

By midnight it was pretty chilly, stars twinkling and that familiar stillness that signalled the practical end to the survey. All but two of the Synergetic traps were closed down at this point.

I stayed on for another hour and a half "just in case" and amongst seven extra species recorded were a  Canary-shouldered Thorn, Ypsolopha scabrella and Rosy Rustic

Canary-shouldered Thorn. P. McGregor

Ypsolopha scabrella P. McGregor

Rosy Rustic. P. McGregor

36 moth species were recorded, the full list is available HERE.

Results of the bat survey, provided by Simon Cope, were as follows (species and numbers):

Daubenton's Bat  6
Noctule  7
Common Pipistrelle  2
Soprano Pipistrelle   125
Indeterminate Myotis sp.  6
Unknown  5

We are very grateful to Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust for permission to trap at the reserve. 

Also to Butterfly Conservation for providing insurance for the event.

A big thank you to Simon, Nicola and Kim from Montgomeryshire Bat Group for illuminating the predators making a meal of our moths.

Thanks to team members Simon, Julie and Mark for help setting up, recording and identification. The latter applying to Gavin and Rob too.

Thanks to Rob for photographs and to Peter Williams, County Moth Recorder, for verifications.

The next moth group event will be at Dolforwyn woods nature reserve (MWT) on Saturday 14th September from 8.30pm onwards. Further details can be found on the moth group website.

Many thanks,


Thursday 15 August 2024

Beech-green Carpet at Hendre. Recording session 10th August 2024. In association with Butterfly Conservation.

Seven traps and a variety of lures were deployed at this very promising, previously unrecorded monad location.

At 220m altitude, the diverse site is largely a mix of Conifer and Sallow, with good wildflower populations along the access tracks.

It was great to arrive in the evening to an already present Chris Williams and Meurig Garbutt.

No time was lost setting up traps and lures along the track, also along paths into the trees. A handy shelter was used as a base for identification and recording.


Hendre site and handy shelter. SS

Carpet and Footman sp. moths proved to be abundant from the outset, with a lovely, uncommon Beech-green Carpet soon spotted on the shelter framework. 

Beech-green Carpet. MEG

Bordered Beauty, Scalloped Hook-tip, Lunar Thorn and Slender Brindle were also recorded.

Bordered Beauty. MEG

Amongst the micro's, a typical specialist of conifer plantations, Dioryctria abietella (Dark-pine Knot-horn) was noted along with similar looking Euzophera pinguis (Ash-bark Knot-horn). Also, Oxypteryx atrella (Two-spotted Neb), a feeder of St.John's Wort, plenty of which was noticed along the access track.

Dioryctria abietella. PMcG

Euzophera pinguis. PMcG

A sub-total 52 species (Final count 60 species. 23/08/2024) were recorded in total. 

Kit used:

6 Skinner's 15w Green Phosphor and 1 Skinner's 125w MV trap.

Many thanks to Chris Williams, Meurig Garbutt and Simon Spencer for their contributions to the session.

Thanks also to Peter Williams for verifications.


Wednesday 7 August 2024

New recording session location for this Saturday, 10th August 2024.

 Hi all,

Despite officially cancelling the recording session at Aberangell back in July, I did go to the site on the day and run a series of three Skinner's 15w Green Phosphor traps. Frustratingly, the weather proved in the end to be ideal and I recorded 69 species. A good start to a very promising site for a re-visit in spring 2025.

So it now seems rather pointless to re-run a session there just for the sake of it, so soon after. 

I have instead found a promising new location back in the Eastern edge of the Dyfnant forest that is a mixture of mature pine with heather/bilberry floor and scrubby Salix areas.

Known as "Hendre", it is a public parking area at the end of a longish stone track with a small wooden shelter. As the "crow flies", it is quite close to Pont Llogel but completely different habitat. According to Aderyn species list, it is also in a different square kilometre (SJ0215) to Pont Llogel and has no moth records.

The location is off the B4395, turning down a lane in between two houses (SJ029148).  Approximately 1km along this lane on the right is a stone track with "Hendre" parking sign. Follow this track to its end.

The recording location is at SJ0295 1516. w3w// milkman.plod.inhales

Traps will be switched on from around 9.15pm.

Anyone interested is most welcome to attend. 

Appropriate footwear and a head/hand torch are essential. There are no facilities so self-sufficiency is recommended. Insect repellant is advised.

If the session is cancelled, it will be notified via a post on the MMG website blog so please refer to this before setting out.
