Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Pont Llogel Event - Saturday 19 October 2019

Well, the last event of the year, and there was a good turnout - of people anyway.  Traps were turned on at 7pm, and then it was just a case of waiting for the moths to turn up.  It was quite chilly down by the river - and although the thermometer said the lowest temperature of the evening was 7.5 degrees, it felt cooler.
There was a lot of huddling round the white sheet, and it did prove quite productive for moths.  We had a masterclass from Peter on the difference between November Moth, Pale November Moth and Autumnal Moth.  I didn't necessary graduate from that class, but it was good to have the opportunity to see some quite well marked individuals where there was a chance to see the distinguishing features.  It was concluded that the illustrations in the otherwise excellent Waring and Townsend field guide didn't necessarily help. I think I will still be recording them all as November Moth agg.

November Moth

Pale November moth

Other highlights from the night included an early December Moth (perhaps the Christmassy weather confused him), a Red-green Carpet, a Chestnut and Common Marbled Carpet.  A full list is available here. Just 1 moth per attendee!  Thanks to Gavin Chambers for all the photos. 

December Moth

Finally a big thanks to all the events team for making the events possible this year: Phil McGregor, Paul Roughley, Mark Thomas and Gavin Chambers, and to Peter Williams & Douglas Boyes for leading events and being there to help us all identify our moths, and to all those that attended and contributed in whatever way.  We will be starting to think about next year's programme over the winter - and we are planning to concentrate on events as accessible to the public as possible.  We have a few ideas already but feel free to contact us if you have any ideas for events that we could run.