Hi all,
I thought it worth advertising this very good lending scheme from the Biodiversity Information Service as it applies to the whole of Powys and includes the loan of moth traps!
BIS Library Loaning Scheme
We are excited to launch the BIS Loaning Library which will be made available from the end of this month to all recorders or wildlife enthusiasts across Powys. Through the library, we want to inspire recorders to generate new biological records and enable anyone with an interest in wildlife to learn more and develop new skillsets!
As part of the library scheme, you will be able to borrow:
- Guides and books on various taxon groups
- Hand lenses
- Moth traps
- Camera traps
- Microscopes
The library is open to recorders of all abilities who are live in Powys. We can make arrangements for recorders to collect loaned equipment/resources from our Brecon office or somewhere more convenient to you.

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