The Montgomeryshire Moth Group are a friendly group of people who study moths in Montgomeryshire, Wales. This blog gives everyone a chance to share their moth news. If you'd like to contribute, please get in touch!
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
'10 Macro species for January' challenge
With another New Year looming I thought I would once again offer you all the Challenge of recording 10 macro species for January. It's not an easy challenge, but then, it wouldn't be much of a challenge if it was too easy, would it. See how you get on, I'll post the results at the end of the month. Good luck.
All the best,
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Morben Moth-ers - A Tale of 2½ Years

Before Ann and I attended the Cors Dyfi moth evening in July 2009 we could barely tell a moth from a butterfly, let alone a Plume Moth from a Pebble Prominent! However, that evening sparked an increasing interest in moths, and with Peter’s help we identified 83 species that year at our holiday park next door at Morben Isaf.
For 2010 we acquired two traps – a Robinson for use at home in Wolverhampton, and a Skinner for use at Morben Isaf. That year, once again with Peter’s unceasing help, we recorded another 183 species, taking the site count to 266.
Our recording at Morben Isaf includes the Skinner trap and the walls of the campsite toilet block, which has lights on all night. Early this season we often found many moth wings on the floor by the loos, but unusually low numbers of live moths, and we couldn’t understand why – surely March and April was too early for bats? Then one morning we discovered an enterprising Chaffinch perching on a door handle then flying up to pick moths from the wall. Thief - pinching our moths before we could get to identify them!!
This year, despite the ravages of the Chaffinches, we accumulated over 2000 records at Morben Isaf (1800 macro and 200 micro) and identified another 58 new species, raising the site count to 324. These included first county records of Argyresthia pygmaella and Hedya ochroleucana, but this latter has unfortunately since been discounted after consultation with “higher authorities”.
As Alan reported in his blog, we did indeed catch an Acleris cristana in November. We also recorded an Anacampsis populella at Morben Isaf a couple of weeks after Maria’s new county record for the species. Other highlights included firsts (for us) of Common Lutestring, Oak Eggar, Oak Nycteoline, Yellow Horned and the stunning Scallop Shell; we finished the season off at the end of November with a handful of Scarce Umber, just to keep Peter W. happy!
Happy mothing to you all in 2012 - Peter.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Mothing at Derwenlas 2011- A Tale of Two Traps.
Friday, 16 December 2011
A Year (or thereabouts) At Cors Dyfi
2011 proved to be an interesting year of moth recording at Cors Dyfi, a reserve owned and run by Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust, and which also incorporates the Dyfi Osprey Project.
This was also the first year of regular use of a proper moth trap on site – more on that later. Up until February the only records were from moths that actually landed on the building and stayed overnight, day-flying moths, or those from when Peter Williams brought his own traps over.
Due to lack of Trust funds, the occasional moth nights early in the year were quite innovative and involved the use of an aquarium light tube powered by a ‘powerpack’ type unit for a few hours. Whilst this attracted a few moths the numbers certainly weren’t into the hundreds and only occasionally reached double figures. I then purchased a trap myself and went for a rather unconventional one utilising a green coloured tube inside a netting frame, this proved to be fairly inadequate at attracting moths and the fish tube method reigned supreme until I managed to acquire a secondhand self-ballasted UV bulb which was much more successful and actually provided my first new county record for the site, cochylis nana – tiny but beautiful. A couple of months of make-do and of constant nagging to Emyr Evans, the Osprey Project Manager to get a proper moth trap and hey presto in late June a shiny new Robinson trap appeared on site (I had told Emyr we could obtain a good trap for less than £100 but when he goes for something he likes to go big so he opted for the Robinson).
It’s first use was just a few days after arrival and boy what a difference! Not only did it attract LOTS of moths but it also meant I could actually go and get a couple of hours sleep in the rather basic caravan before getting up early to view each catch!
The next new county record however had nothing to do with traps and was actually found on a willow leaf one morning – the rather beautiful epinotia cruciana, further new county records as can be seen on the Stop Press pages did appear in the trap though and not only new records but some absolute stunners too, moths that made me go ‘oooh’ and ‘ahh’ and ‘wow’.
The big news from this site this year though was of course the finding of the elusive Rosy Marsh moth, I’m still amazed I actually got one in the trap but it would have been nice to get a second or even find a larvae of this species – I guess for that I shall have to wait until 2012.
One of my most enjoyable times this year involved several nagging emails to Peter and eventual success in another new county record. In June I photographed a rather drab looking small black moth, it’s only interesting feature being the rather large and unusual antennae it possessed. After some investigation I decided this was psyche caste but Peter could not confirm this, the photos I had taken did not show enough detail in the antennae to give a positive ID despite several attempts to zoom in and despite about a dozen emails to Peter he could still not confirm the species. I did some more research and found that the female is flightless and lives in a larval case normally attached to a leaf and when I saw a photo of one on the web I came close to screaming – I had actually seen one of these just a few days prior to photographing the moth but did not realise what it was....however I did remember exactly where I’d seen it and within 24 hours I was back on site, carefully removing the leaf and case to monitor and photograph at home, it didn’t take much monitoring – 48 hours later the female had emerged, I’d got some good shots of her and Peter had confirmed the new county record of psyche caste at Cors Dyfi.The larval case was returned to site. All in all it was a valuable and extremely interesting time though I’m sure Peter’s inbox got clogged up several times with emails from me trying to establish this species. I’m nothing if not determined! Interestingly later in the year several of the larval cases appeared in a most unusual place – attached to a 3ft square plastic sign at the bottom of the car park!
The site now has several traps running on moth nights, the Robinson plus my own home made Skinner and a hanging bulb/sheet, I’ve even tried sugaring though I think my home-made concoction may need some refinement due to it attracting more arachnids than moths. I’m currently trying to convince the Trust, and Emyr, to get a battery powered trap which could be placed further down site onto the actual bog in the hope of attracting some more unusual species.
Over the past year I have become known as the ‘Moff Boff’ on site, with visitors and people on the Facebook site asking me to ID moths or caterpillars they’ve photographed. I do my best but I still have a lot to learn.
I’ve decided to include just one photo with this report, all of the new county records can be seen on the Stop Press pages and other photographs of unusual species are scattered throughout the site – it is by no means a rare species, nor is it a particularly good photo for use in identification, it is just my own personal favourite photo of the year , an extreme close-up of a Large Emerald.

A couple of new records were found from leaf mines on site, one of these found in common reed is proving quite interesting and further investigations will be taking place in 2012 to try and establish watch this space!
Maria E. Wagland
Cors Dyfi 'Furballs' Officer
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Mothing at Bridge Cottage: 2011

Square-spotted Clay
Small Eggar (This was the first record for 60 years)
Devon Carpet

Big thank to Peter who has, as always, been very helpful throughout the year. And also to both Peter and Mike for their continued hard work with the moth group!
Monday, 31 October 2011
Common but not seen before..

Last night had quite a good catch with it being so mild. Plenty of Feathered Thorns, Marveille du Jour, Red Line and Yellow Line Quaker and a few Mottled Umbers.
More warm winds from southern Europe
Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The night before last I had 21 species, a new micro for me was Exapate congelatella. But the real highlight was a Gem, a uncommon migrant species to Montgomeryshire. It's pushed my macro total to 333.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Last night's catch
Sprawler - 2 NFY
Figure of 8 - 13
Large Wainscot - 5
Merveille Du Jour - 6
Barred Sallow - 1
Brindled Green - 1
Silver Y - 1
Satellite - 1
Green Brindled Crescent - 6
Shuttle Shaped Dart - 2
Red-line Quaker - 6
November Moth agg. - 14
Chestnut - 4
Dark Chestnut - 4
Beaded Chestnut - 3
Spruce Carpet - 1
Yellow-line Quaker - 6
Lunar Underwing - 2
Large YU - 2
S. Hebrew Character - 3
Flounced Chestnut - 1
Sallow - 1
Garden Rose Tortrix - 1
Thursday, 13 October 2011
National Moth Recorders’ Meeting
The date for the second National Moth Recorders’Meeting is January 28th 2012 at the Birmingham and Midlands Institute, central Birmingham. All are welcome.
The programme for the day has been drawn up and the line up features both amateur moth recorders and academic researchers. We are really pleased to have Professor Gareth Jones from the ‘Batlab’ at Bristol University speaking about how bats and moths try to out-wit one another in their predator/prey relationship. The draft programme for the day can be found below. It will also be available on the Moths Count website ( in due course. This year there is a £5 (per person) registration fee for attendees. This includes morning and afternoon tea/coffee and a buffet lunch all subsidised from Butterfly Conservation budgets. It
has been necessary to impose a charge this year as we no longer have Heritage Lottery Funding to cover holding such an event. Advanced booking is essential, to book your place please contact or telephone 01929 400209.
Lyttelton Lecture Theatre, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Birmingham Saturday 28 January 2012.
10.00 am Arrival and coffee.
10.30 am Welcome Dr. Martin Warren, Chief Executive of Butterfly Conservation.
10.45 am National Moth Recording Scheme Update Richard Fox, Butterfly Conservation.
11.10 am Uncertain and Confused – automated validation of moth records Les Hill, Butterfly Conservation.
11.30 am A Snapshot of Ireland - recording in the Republic of Ireland Don Hodgers, Republic of Ireland Moth Recorder.
11.50 am What makes Sussex Moth Group tick? Graeme Lyons, Chairman Sussex Moth Group.
12:10 pm Discussion session.
12.30 pm Lunch.
2.00 pm Insect High Flyers: studying long-distance migration of moths Dr. Jane Hill, York University.
2.30 pm Warriors of the Deep and other Welsh Wonders Dave Slade, County Moth Recorder, Glamorgan.
2.50 pm A ‘big’ book of little moths Dr. Phil Sterling, County Micro-moth Recorder, Dorset.
3.10 pm What difference does a decade make? Mark Parsons, Butterfly Conservation.
3.40 pm Tea.
4.10 pm Sky Wars: Moths v Bats Professor Gareth Jones, University of Bristol.
4.45 pm Discussion session & closing remarks.
5.00 pm Close of meeting.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Lake Vyrnwy event
The full report/species list is now on the website and can be found (along with the other 2011 event reports) here.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Fund raising for MMG
Montgomeryshire Moth Group has enjoyed it's most successful year ever with more events held and more attendees than ever before.
All the events and moth related information we provide (e.g the website) are free of charge for everyone to use and we'd like to keep it that way, but we do have running costs which I have fully covered up until now!
We'd also like to enhance our mothing activities and so we've set up a method through which everyone can raise funds for the Group (should you wish to do so - no obligation!)
You will see a link on the front of our website to Easyfundraising.
Through Easyfundraising, most retailers will make a direct donation to our moth group for your own personal internet shopping.
If you already shop online then you WILL be able to raise money for us!
All the big names support us including Amazon (2.5% donation) Ebay (1% donation), John Lewis (up to 2.5% - depends what you buy) etc. In fact there are thousands of retailers/services making donations through easyfundraising - many of whom also make special offers available to easyfundraising users.
To raise funds through your own personal shopping, just go to easyfundraising through our website, login with easyfundraising, and then select the retailers website you want to buy from (up to 15% from each purchase you make will be donated to Montgomeryshire Moth Group). You buy from the retailer you have always bought from but you raise money for us at the same time!
If you use Easysearch to do an internet search (e.g. instead of google) then Montgomeryshire Moth Group receives 0.5p every search. Give it a try!
If you've any questions then please let me know.
Good mothing and good shopping!
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Last MMG event of the year at Lake Vyrnwy
A reminder that the last MMG (Montgomeryshire Moth Group) event of 2011 is this Saturday the 8th October at Lake Vyrnwy.
I have just noticed that on some of our literature the date for this event was down for the following weekend, please ignore this as it was a typo error.
Meet: 5:30 pm. at Map reference: SH 965241
Details: This is our last event of the year and hopefully the migrants which have been very active in the county during the last week or so will show up at Lake Vyrnwy, so please come along and have an enjoyable evening, as usual, everyone is welcome.
Directions: Follow the B4393 to the northern end of the lake where you will see the reserve car park on the side of road nearest to the lake (marked ‘P’ on OS map).
Another notable migrant
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
More good migrants flooding in

I had another excellent trap last night with two migrant species worth a mention.
Firstly I recorded four, yes four, vestal, a scarce migrant to Montgomeryshire, normally just the odd moth is found, so four in a single night is exceptional.
The other species was the Small Marbled again a scarce migrant to the uk which has only ever been recorded once before in the county (at the same site) in 2008.
My rare migrant
Found it on the sheet late last night and immediately knew it was a migrant, not sure why, but I could tell. A quick look through the book and found Antigastra catalaunalis. Sure enough Peter later confirmed this tiny micro migrant, which had probably come from Southern Europe/Tropics.
It's described as "a very scarce migrant, occurring only in the southern counties". It's also a new county record.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Finally bagged a good migrant

I was beginning to think that I was going to miss out on a good migrant species during this exceptional weather, but as I was checking around the trap last night before going to bed I saw a small moth fluttering around the light. I knew I'd got something good as I didn't recognise it at all, but it looked like a pyralid species, which pointed me in the right direction for making a positive id. It was a very distinctive species so fingering through book it didn't take long to track it down, it was Spoladea recurvalis , a rare migrant from the Mediterranean region of Europe.
It was first discovered in the UK in 1951 in Surrey and since then only about 12 specimens have been recorded in the country, most of these on the south coast of England, so it was an excellent find for it to turn up in Montgomeryshire - very exciting and definitely one of the best moths I've recorded in twenty years of moth recording.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Great start to October
Beaded Chestnut - 21
Brindled Green - 4
Rosy Rustic - 3
Merveille Ju Jour - 7
Brimstone - 2
Green-brindled Crescent - 4
S. Hebrew Character - 5
Satellite - 3
November Moth agg. - 1 [NFY]
Frosted Orange - 3
Chestnut - 1
Square-spot Rustic - 6
Figure of 8 - 3
Mallow - 1 [NFM] - First county record for 49 years.
Lunar Underwing - 4
Hedge Rustic - 1
Large Wainscot - 2
Yellow-line Quaker - 4
Sallow - 1
Green Carpet - 2
Silver Y - 2
Pale Mottled Willow - 1
Blair's Shoulder Knot - 1
Brick - 1
Common Marbled Carpet - 1
Pine Carpet - 1 [NFM]
Chequered FT Tortrix
Eudonia angustea - 1
Celypha lacunana - 1
Garden Rose Tortrix - 8
(35 species)
Trap 2:
Vestal - 1 [NFM]
Feathered Thorn - 1
Brindled Green - 7
Common MC - 1
Brown-spot Pinion - 9
LYU - 7
S. Hebrew Character - 9
Beaded Chestnut - 30
M. Ju Jour - 11
Dusky Lemon Sallow - 1
Green Carpet - 1
Satellite - 2
Snout - 1
BB Yellow Underwing - 1
Pink Barred Sallow - 2
CS Thorn - 3
Rosy Rustic - 4
Green Brindled Crescent - 5
Square-spot Rustic - 3
Centre-barred Sallow - 1
Sallow - 3
Silver Y - 1
Lunar Underwing - 1
Green Carpet - 2
Chestnut - 1
Yellow-line Quaker - 2
Agonopterix heracliana - 1
Agonopterix arenella - 1
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix - 1
Eudonia angustea - 1
Argyresthia goedartella - 1
(31 species)
The wind direction is starting to change and looks as if the temperatures will soon drop, so intend to trap again tonight and make the most of these conditions while they last.
Friday, 30 September 2011
We are the knights who say.....

And I did!
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Last night's haul
Merveille Du Jour | 10 | |
Large Yellow Underwing | 27 | |
Brimstone | 5 | |
Canary Shouldered Thorn | 5 | |
Setaceous Hebrew Character | 19 | |
Brown-spot Pinion | 17 | |
Rosy Rustic | 5 | |
Square Spot Rustic | 5 | |
Beaded Chestnut | 43 | |
Brindled Green | 14 | |
Lunar Underwing | 20 | |
Silver Y | 4 | |
Green Carpet | 2 | |
Common Wainscot | 1 | |
Figure of Eight | 4 | |
Blair's Shoulder Knot | 1 | |
Autumnal Rustic | 3 | |
Sallow | 3 | |
Dark Sword Grass [NFY] | 1 | |
Satellite | 1 | |
Black Rustic | 3 | |
Barred Sallow | 6 | |
Yellow-line Quaker [NFY] | 1 | |
Frosted Orange | 2 | |
Lesser Yellow Underwing | 1 | |
Dusky Lemon Sallow [NFY] | 1 | |
Red-green Carpet | 1 | |
Flounced Chestnut [NFM] | 2 | |
Eudonia angustea | 1 | |
Epinotia tenerana [NFM] | 1 | |
Celypha lacunana | 1 | |
Argyresthia goedartella | 2 | |
Acleris variegana | 2 |
The two new ones for me have just pushed to a nice landmark 500 lepidopterous species in the garden, which breaks into 328 macro, 144 micro and 28 butterflies.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Migrant moths heading our way!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Quiet nights
Flounced Rustic - 1
Frosted Orange - 2
SHC - 17
Rosy Rustic - 5
Brimstone - 2
Large YU - 21
Canary-shouldered Thorn - 2
Beaded Chestnut - 2 (NFY)
Sallow - 2
Silver Y - 1
Square-spot Rustic - 3
Brown-spot Pinion - 2
Copper Underwing agg. - 2
Centre-barred Sallow - 1
Green Carpet - 1
Snout - 1
And the highlight of the night was MASSIVE Large Wainscot - NFM. A declining species which is also rather uncommon here in Montgomeryshire.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
The Bridge Cottage (Middletown) Event
The full report/species list is now on the website and can be found (along with the other 2011 event reports) here.
Thanks once again to Clare for the marvellous hospitality (the chocolate brownies particularly noteworthy). And, Sue, keep bringing your cake - it's fantastic!!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
MMG Mothing event at Bridge Cottage, Saturday 10th September
A reminder that there is an MMG (Montgomeryshire Moth Group) event at Bridge Cottage: hosted by the Boyes Family on Saturday 10th September.
Map reference: SJ305121
Details: An evening trapping in the garden and surrounding fields, hopefully this mild weather we’re having might push one or two early migrants in the direction of our traps.
Meet: 7:00 pm.
Directions: From Welshpool on the A458 take the first right in Middletown. Follow the road up a hill and round a right bend. The road will then start going downhill. Half way down this hill there is a left turn down a dead end road, marked with a farmer's gateway and a sign, warning of the low bridge. Then follow this road down for a few hundred metres you'll then go under a railway bridge and you're there!
Address: Bridge Cottage, Middletown, Welshpool, Powys - SY21 8DG.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Autumn moths at last!
Last night I caught:
Feathered Gothic |
Centre-barred Sallow [NFY] - 14
Frosted Orange [NFY] - 1
Sallow [NFY] - 2
Pale Eggar - 1
Large Yellow Underwing - 23
Brimstone - 4
Magpie - 3
Copper Underwing - 3
Common Marbled Carpet - 1
S. Hebrew Character - 52
Lesser BB Yellow Underwing - 2
Rosy Rustic - 3
Square-spot Rustic - 4
Flame Shoulder - 14
Flounced Rustic - 16
Spectacle - 1
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing - 1
Common Rustic agg. - 2
Dingy Footman - 1
Small Square Spot - 3
Canary-shouldered Thorn - 1
Small Phoenix - 1
Flame Carpet - 1
Green Carpet - 1
September Thorn - 1
Argyresthia goedartella - 1
Acleris laterana - 1
Celypha lacunana - 2
Trachycera advenella- 4
(also just seen a Red Underwing [NFY] on the side of the house)
Friday, 26 August 2011
Rosy Marsh
Peter Williams is of course delighted at this find but I have to admit to feeling some guilt that he didn't get this on one of his own evenings when it was him, who after an amazing 7 years of trying and never giving up, truly deserved it.
Now we know it's on site we can manage the Bog Myrtle and surrounding vegetation in a more favourable manner and of course searches will duly be carried out for any larvae. MariaW - Cors Dyfi "Furballs" Officer, Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust.

Friday, 19 August 2011
Gregynog Park Event
The full report/species list is now on the website and can be found (along with the other 2011 event reports) here.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
MMG (Montgomeryshire Moth Group) event at Gregynog Park, Saturday 13th August
A reminder that there is a MMG (Montgomeryshire Moth Group) event at Gregynog Park on Saturday 13th August,
Map reference: SO085976.
Details: A rare chance to trap in this wonderful mature wooded site, so please come along and join us for another interesting and hopefully exciting evening’s mothing.
Meet: 8:00 pm. in overflow car park. This will be signposted once you enter the estate, so just follow the directions. Please contact me to check that the event is on, and for further directions if you need them (contact details in events area of web site). Please bring a torch.
Directions: Take the A489 from Newtown towards Welshpool, after about two and a half miles turn right onto the B4389 to Tregynon where you will find the main entrance to the Gregynog estate.
Address: Gregynog, Tregynon, Nr. Newtown, Powys SY16 3PW.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Mass emergence during warm weather

During the recent bout of warmer nights there has certainly been a mass emergence of two species of micro moth - Yponomeuta evonyella and Aphelia paleana. Both these species have been reported to me from various sites around the county in very large numbers. The photo above from Richard Becker in the south of the county at Llanidloes shows the bottom of his trap covered with A. paleana.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Last few night's moths
Friday, 29 July 2011
Birthday Moths
The 125w awarded me a Small Rufous:
And the 400w a Scorched Carpet:
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Last night's catch
You can see how big the 400w bulbs are, from the photo, also visible is the clear 125w.
Name | 125w | 400w |
Magpie Moth | 2 | |
Common Footman | 21 | 57 |
Dingy Footman | 7 | 17 |
Clay | 1 | 3 |
Dark Arches | 3 | 29 |
Small Fan-footed Wave | 2 | 6 |
Flame Carpet | 2 | |
Common Carpet | 6 | 4 |
July Highflyer | 2 | 5 |
Small Rivulet | 3 | |
Purple Thorn | 4 | |
Muslin Footman | 7 | 27 |
Heart and Dart | 12 | 5 |
Large Yellow Underwing | 39 | 33 |
Smoky Wainscot | 5 | 2 |
Common Rustic agg. | 22 | 36 |
Small Dotted Buff | 3 | 3 |
Light Emerald | 1 | 2 |
Uncertain | 13 | 7 |
Beautiful Hook-tip | 1 | 5 |
Burnished Brass | 2 | 2 |
Snout | 1 | 2 |
Fan Foot | 1 | |
Herald | 1 | |
Riband Wave | 7 | 8 |
Lesser Swallow Prominent | 1 | |
Chinese Character | 1 | 3 |
August Thorn | 1 | 1 |
Early Thorn | 2 | 7 |
Poplar Hawk Moth | 1 | 3 |
Brimstone | 3 | |
Marbled Minor agg. | 1 | 5 |
Yellow-tail | 3 | 7 |
Dark Spectacle | 1 | |
September Thorn | 1 | 1 |
Shaded Broad Bar | 1 | |
Double Square Spot | 8 | 8 |
Small Scallop | 1 | |
Plain Golden Y | 1 | |
Light Arches | 6 | |
Dun-bar | 1 | 5 |
Buff Arches | 4 | 1 |
Triple-spotted Clay | 2 | 1 |
Rustic | 2 | 1 |
Scalloped Oak | 5 | 3 |
Pinion Streaked Snout | 7 | |
Beautiful Golden Y | 2 | |
Pebble Prominent | 1 | 1 |
Clouded Border | 1 | |
Willow Beauty | 1 | |
Flame Shoulder | 1 | |
Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing | 1 | |
Scarce Footman | 1 | |
Straw Dot | 1 | |
Silver Y | 1 | |
Double-striped Pug | 3 | 1 |
Dagger agg. | 1 | |
Blackneck | 1 | |
Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing | 1 | 2 |
Elephant Hawk Moth | 1 | |
Coxcomb Prominent | 1 | |
Large Emerald | 1 | |
Oak Hook-tip | 5 | |
Swallow-tailed Moth | 1 | |
Bright-line Brown-eye | 3 | |
Shuttle-shaped Dart | 1 | |
Peppered Moth | 1 | |
Poplar Grey | 1 | |
Antler Moth | 1 | |
V-Pug | 2 | |
Double Lobed | 1 | |
Swallow Prominent | 1 | |
Iron Prominent | 1 | |
Drinker | 1 | |
True Lovers Knot | 1 | |
Plain Wave | 1 | |
Rivulet | 1 | |
Svensson's Copper Underwing | 1 | |
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet | 1 | |
Scarce Silver Line | 1 | |
Antler Moth | 1 | |
Common Wainscot | 1 | |
Ling Pug | 1 | |
Agriphila straminella | 20 | 84 |
Udea Prunalis | 3 | 7 |
Mother of Pearl | 2 | 7 |
Bird Cherry Ermine | 1 | |
Agapeta zoegana | 1 | |
Cochylis hybridella | 1 | 3 |
Gold Triangle | 2 | |
Chrysoteuchia culmella | 1 | |
Garden Pebble | 1 | |
Agapeta hamana | 1 | |
Honeysuckle Moth | 1 | |
Agriphila inquinatella | 2 | |
Celypha striana | 1 | |
Hellinsia osteodactylus | 1 | 1 |
Carcina quercana | 3 | |
Apple Ermine | 1 | |
Agriphila tristella | 1 | 1 |
Trachycera advenella | 2 | |
Blastobasis adustella | 1 | |
Scoparia ambigualis | 1 | 1 |
Eucosma cana | 2 | |
Dipleurina lacustrata | 1 | |
Aethes rubigana | 1 | |
Udea lutealis | 1 | |
Epiblema uddmanniana | 1 | |
Catoptria falsella | 1 | |
Ancylis achatana | 1 | |
Epiblema trimaculana | 1 | |
Mompha propinquella | 1 | |
Total Species in 125w: | 81 | ||
Total Species in 400w: | 74 | ||
Total Species: | 112 | ||
Total Moths in 125w: | 270 | ||
Total Moths in 400w: | 462 | ||
Total Moths: | 732 |
My highlight, Scarce Silver Line |
I trapped with the 125w in by far the best moth-ing location I know, I trapped with the 400w just outside the house. If I had swapped trap positions, I'm sure the 400w would have had many more.
Among the list was one new macro for me, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, and many new micros. Also had plenty of NFYs, such as Scarce Silver Line, Double Lobed, Svensson's Copper Underwing, True Lovers Knot, and probably a few I've missed.